WOHS Marching Mountaineers
"Pride, Dedication, Excellence”
2025 Marching Band Registration
Dear Students and Parents,
The two-time State Champion Marching Mountaineers are looking forward to another great year in 2025, and we want you to be a part of the season! The band will perform at varsity football games, regional competitions, as well as local civic functions. As a part of the band, you will build relationships that will last a lifetime and for new members, you’ll start your first day of high school with over 100 friends. Students can be part of the Marching Mountaineers in one of four sections: color guard, drumline, pit percussion, and winds (woodwinds and brass). All of the sections will begin rehearsing in the spring. Band Camp 2025 will once again be held on campus at WOHS from Monday, August 11 to Friday, August 15, 2025. The registration fee for the season is $200.00 for new members, and $180.00 for returning members.
This registration fee covers:
Meals for Band Camp, Mini Camps & competition days
Marching band member show themed t-shirt
Marching band member navy blue undershirt with WO logo (for new members)
Family Music Boosters dues
Band Camp is absolutely mandatory for all members! At the conclusion of camp, we will do our annual Preview Performance at Suriano Field at approximately 5:00 pm on August 15. Prior to camp will be the Annual Music Booster Car Wash on Saturday, August 10, from 9AM-1PM. All students are expected to participate in, and every family is asked to volunteer for, this important fundraiser. Our weekly rehearsal schedule will be the same as last year.
Registration for the band will be in one single online form at www.wohsmusic.org/marching-band. This should be completed once you decide that you want to be a part of the band, but no later than Friday, May 23. The Registration Fee and Marching Band Apparel orders can be placed online following online registration.
Our Music Boosters’ website www.wohsmusic.org has important links with information about the band, Music Boosters, calendar, Band Camp, and the upcoming season. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances are key to the band's success. The calendar is set through our championship date of November 2. Please schedule everything around the band calendar as much as possible. Please check the calendar carefully.
Registration is due by Friday, May 23. It is important for the staff to have accurate numbers of members for each section so please observe the deadline. We are looking forward to another great season!
Lewis C. Kelly
Director of Bands
How to Register for the 2025 WOHS Marching Mountaineers
1. Go to www.WOHSMusic.org and click on MARCHING BAND.
2. Complete the Marching Band Registration Form. This includes basic student information, CONFIDENTIAL medical information, student code of conduct, student attendance policy, parental expectations and consent, and the calendar for rehearsals and performances.
Review the band calendar at www.WOHSMusic.org. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances are key to the band's success. The calendar is set through our championship date of November 2. Please schedule everything around the band calendar as much as possible.
3. The registration fee and marching band apparel form (see chart below) orders can be placed online following registration
2024 Season Highlights
“The Gears of Time”
NJMBDA State Championships